Arctic V8 coils - HorizonTech

Horizon Tech

Arctic V8 coils - HorizonTech

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  • Price: CND $12.99
  • Regular price $31.70


HorizonTech Arctic V8 bottom vertical quad coil for Arctic V8 tank

Quad V4 (Clapton)

Bottom Vertical Quad Coil V4 Clapton wire

  • Japanese organic cotton
  • 0.2 ohm (60 W – 150 W recommended)

 V2 Kanthal wire

  • 0.5 ohm (50 W – 70 W recommended)

These coils are sub-Ohm resistances. Extra safety precautions should be exercised using these coils. Sub-ohm resistance will only work on a regulated or mechanical mod that can support the ohm resistance of 0.3 ohms or lower. Please make sure vapor batteries can handle sub ohm atomizers and coils by insuring the amps are 30 or higher. Damage or injury may occur due to the misuse of this product.


Horizon Tech Arctic V8 Tank

Arctic Sub Ohm Tank (.2 and .5 Coils) review


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