The Aspire Breeze All-In-One - My FAVORITE Stealth Setup - Better Than The iCare

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The Aspire Breeze All-In-One - My FAVORITE Stealth Setup - Better Than The iCare

The Aspire Breeze has been out for about 4-5 months, but I was late to the party. I've only been using it for about 2 months, but those two months have been fantastic! I absolutely love the sleekness of this steup and the portability. It is THE perfect stealth vape.

The battery inside of here is a 650mAh internal battery charged via micro usb, and there is an expandable 800mAh battery as well. The capacity is here is a 2ml e-liquid capacity and I use Mr Salt E inside of there, though you can pretty much use any e-liquid. The coils used in here are 0.6ohm coils - the Breeze by Aspire isn't adjustable in terms of wattage, but it is a great vape.

I think this is much better than the eleaf iCare. I have used the Eleaf iCare 2, but I had some problems, so Eleaf is sending over another one and then i'll update... but I still think the Breeze will win! What are your thoughts?

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